36 comments on “5530 clone boards available (new design)

  1. Hello Tom,

    I would like to know if it’s possible to buy a clone CEM5530 from your production.

    i have a PROPHET VS which no more work and will be very have to repair it .

    Plesae let me know if possible or no.

    I am living France.

    Brgds Michel

  2. I too would very much like the know the status of the clone CEM5530 project as I also have a beloved Prophet VS to keep going.

    Dan Wilson, Hideaway Studio.

  3. Hi Tom,

    I need urgently for my Prophet VS the already died CEM5530 chips. I need 2 pairs. Are they already available again? Thanks and kind regards,


  4. Hi,

    I would like to get purchase 2 or 3. Please let me know if you are still selling them.

    Kind regards,

  5. Hello Tom,

    I just reinstalled the 2 new 5530 in the Vs, and it’s back to new!!!
    So glad.
    Thanks for giving a new life to this fabulous synth


  6. Is it still possible to order a set of 5530 chips to use as backups?
    Please let me know.

    Thank you in advance,


  7. Hello Tom, How are you? Thank you for providing this information.

    Please do you still have any of those chips available.

  8. Hi Tom,

    please leave a message to me when DSS-1 or DSM-1 board is available. I´m waiting urgently 🙂



  9. Hi Tom,
    I’m also interested in a batch of 2 5530 clones. Since you mentioned having plenty just a few months ago, hopefully you’re still taking orders at this point 🙂
    Hope to hear from you soon, thanks in advance


  10. I about to buy a Prophet VS. Your CEM 5530 clones are stikk available, right? Cause if not I might hesitate to buy it at all..

  11. Hi,

    Could you please give me details about how getting two boards from you?

    Best regards,


  12. Hi Tom,

    I need a couple of CEM5539 replacements please, for my Microwave I. Please let me know if you have two for me. Thank you in advance.


  13. Hello Tom!

    Do you still have CEM5530 replacements for the Prophet VS in stock? Are they still $75 each?
    The originals seem to work, but I would like to buy at least two as insurance. 🙂


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