35 comments on “Gear for sale

  1. Hi,
    I have 2 DSS-1,and I want to add the kit,but your kit is sold out now…
    Possibility is I try to buy your moded DSS-1.
    My location is Japan,Can you shipp it Japan?
    I can pay by PayPal.
    Let me know


    • Hi Sunao,

      I do have some modified DSS-1’s left. However I will have more of the kits in January, as well. I also have someone in Japan that can help you do the modification, if you don’t want to do it yourself.

      Shipping a complete DSS-1 to Japan will probably be $150 – $200 USD.

      Thank you!


  2. hi, i am in BC Canada.
    i am interested in the Quadrasynth Plus, but only if it has the 8mb Grand Piano sample on board as part of the 24 mb ROM bank.
    does all the midi in/out/thru work ok?



  3. Do u have the 16 original library for thr asr10 if u do, do u make copies of thm and sale them.if do how much..thank u Dj Duck….

  4. Are the ASR’s still available? Any tips for repairing mine? I turn it on and all of the lights come on and remain solid. LCD shows no activity unless i press buttons. For example, I press Load and an 8 appears on the LCD. I tried reseating ribbon cables and using a compressed air vac to blow out the insides but still the same results.

    Also, any idea if the DI-10 will dump 8 tracks simultaneously? Any idea where I can find more info on that? I don’t current;y have one but if it will dump digitally, that may be worth the investment. I’m currently borrowing my brother’s ASR to dump some old work into Pro Tools (via a Digi002). If i can save time by using a DI-10, that would be a huge help!

    Thanks for any assistance you may be able to provide!

  5. Hi, MY ASR 10 rack has packed up- just a couple of lights are lit when power is on. Nothing on the screen, no sound. Could it be the main circuit board needs replacing and can you sell me one? I am in Hong Kong.

  6. Hi Tom!

    I think what your doing here is pretty incredible! I was wondering if you have any or the ability to make any DSS-1 upgrade cards? I would like one for my DSS1 and saw you had a couple last year but some time has passed

    thanks so much!


  7. Hi Tom!

    Thanks for all your hard work on this project! I was so excited when I found your info!

    I live in LA and am very interested in one of your upgrade cards for my DSS1. Do you have any still available?



  8. Tom,
    on and off there are rumors that your DSS-1 upgrade kit is available again.
    Can you tell us the truth, please?
    Is there hope to get one in the future?


    • Unfortunately it’s not available. I had enough parts left over to make a final run of 6 kits but they are all sold. I am still planning a new version, though it has taken much longer than I would like.

  9. Tom-

    Add me to your list of DSS-1 upgrade clients when you next get round to it.


    Russell H. Davies

  10. Ciao Tom!
    I’m Bruno, a happy DSS1 owner from Turin, Italy. It’s still impossible to think at some new expansions? Cheers!!!

    • I’m still working on it…It’s been very difficult to get time to work on it this year, for a number of reasons. However I’ve made some progress the last few weeks (thanks to Christmas holidays). I can’t say for sure when I’ll have the kit ready, as there are events in the new year that will affect my ability to work on the project. I’ll post an update when I know more.

      • Ciao Tom!
        Happy New Year, first of all, then thanx for your reply, keep me in the number when Yor DSS1 expansion will be ready!
        Good work!
        Bruno Pochettino

  11. Hello Tom!
    I am a Korg DSS-1 (unexpanded) user from Moscow, Russia, and I would love to buy the expansion kit, when it becomes available. Please, let me know!

    All my respect and best wishes for this new year,
    Oleg Pankov

  12. Hi Tom,

    Very happy to see your post about aiming to get a new prototype for the DSS-1 upgrade kit by June. One more potential customer here in France!

    Cheers, Nick.

  13. Hi Tom,

    Here also i would like to be in your waiting list of your DSS-1 expasion kit. I hope you will find the time, energy and luck to complete your project.
    Count me in!


  14. Greetings from LA
    I would like to know if you may have the Straylight kit for DSS-1.
    Could you please let us know progress?
    Thank you!

  15. Hello Tom!
    I am a ASR-10 user from Ukraine and I would love to buy the SCSI board, when it becomes available. Please, let me know! Cheers!

  16. Now that the world is on lockdown maybe you will get a spare minute to bang out some new DSS-1 upgrades. I’m in for one Adam from Minneapolis.

  17. Hello I have an ASR 10 keyboard and every time I put in the operating disk it says it cannot collaborate what can I do to fix this help bad need help someone anyone please email bustermp2@gmail.com thank you for your time.

  18. Hello Tom, I read you plan a New version of the DSS1 kit. Is it Always a subject of actuality ? Is it possible to help to design Own ? I prefer to buy one but if the project is Switch off … Thanks

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